A photograph is really only a good photo when the image is able to tell a story.
With each photo it is my aim to share with you a very special moment when I was at the right time at the right place to actually activate the trigger of the shutter. For many of the photos featured on this site often weeks or months of planning and careful preparation where needed. Once this was done, then the actual adventure started for which absolute physical fitness was required. Beside more then 10 kg of camera gear; additional supply was needed to spend the night prior to the sunrise at the summit of a volcano close or around an altitude of 3000 meters. Sometimes this involved hikes that took up to 12 hours or even longer. Each photo has attached a short description and overview of the image. Beside an image description we also added a note about the camera and lens used as well as the shutter speed and the aperture setting.

Heinz von Holzen
visual adventure from the ocean to the mountains and everywhere in-between
Heinz von Holzen
Chef and Photographer
Jl.Pratama, Tanjung Benoa, PO Box 132
80363 Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia

Film Making
Concentrates on the development of powerful and creative videos. Based on the magical island of Bali with the main goal of providing high quality production services for all types of video shootings. Every video production we offer to our clients has powerful and creative aspects in order to achieve attention-getting results. In every step of the video development our aim is to stand out with our commitment for better quality frames and unmatched services for any of your purposes. We manage every aspect of a project’s physical development through open communication and understanding for your project’s needs until its final delivery. This is how we succeed to produce content that meets or even exceeds your expectations.
In the industry we share our love of creating compelling and engaging video content for leading agencies, corporates, and non-profit organizations in Indonesia and abroad.
Fabian von Holzen
Ocean lover, with a passion in film and creativity
Fabian von Holzen
Film Maker
Jl. Siligita No. 101c
80361 Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia